March Exhibitions

The March winds have arrived here in Silver City and we welcome what little rain and snow may still come. Light Art Space is bustling with two new exhibitions that we are excited to share with you.

In the North Gallery, we are honored to present Louis Carlos Bernal: Rerospectivita.
This month-long pop-up exhibition is a smaller version of the retrospective exhibition on view at the Center for Creative Photography (CCP) in Tucson that will travel across Arizona and New Mexico through March 2025, visiting communities with personal or professional connections to Bernal. Louis Carlos Bernal (1941–1993), was a trailblazing photographer and the first photography instructor at Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ. He dedicated his career to developing Pima’s photography program. Bernal’s photography captures the essence of barrio life, depicting everyday scenes with deep spiritual and cultural significance. His work highlighted the strength, spiritual and cultural values, and prolonged family ties that marked the lives of Mexican-Americans in Southern Arizona and beyond. Bernal made images in Silver City, a famous one was taken in the Buffalo Bar. Stop by and take a look – see if you recognize yourself or any relatives in the exhibition or book!

March 6 – 29th

Opening reception Friday, March 7, from 5-7 pm

Image Credit: Louis Carlos Bernal, Dos
Mujeres, Douglas, Arizona, 1978, Center for
Creative Photography, the University of
Arizona: Louis Carlos Bernal Archive. © Lisa
Bernal Brethour and Katrina Ann Bernal.

Installation views. Elizabeth (Guevara) Golden

Becky Senf, Axel Golden, and Elizabeth (Guevara) Golden

Featured in Light Art Space’s Flash Gallery is work by Alvaro Enciso, an artist living and working in Tucson, AZ, and the Southwestern borderlands. The Art of Alvaro Enciso: Ghosts from the Desert features found wood and metal constructions from his explorations across the borderlands. The work speaks of the immigrant’s journey crossing the southwest border, and their cultural identity as an outsider, all in pursuit of the illusive American Dream.

March 6 – March 29, 2025
Free public reception Friday, March 7th, 5 – 7 pm.
Alvaro will talk about his work at 5:30

Gallery Hours: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 11 am – 5 pm, Sunday 10 – 2, First Fridays 11 am – 7 pm, and by appointment.


There is still space in this fun, creative workshop.
Sail Away: build your own dream boat, with Kathleen Koopman.

March 21st and 22nd
Register at or stop in the gallery.


Upcoming workshops:

***Stayed tuned for information about an upcoming adventure***
A Slot Canyon Photographic Adventure with George Austin, May 9 and 10!  

**Cyanotype printing in June with Karen Hymer**

*Photopolymer gravure in July with Karen Hymer*

These will be on the website soon!

George Austin

Wet Cyanotype, Karen Hymer

Photopolyner Gravure, Karen Hymer

Karen’s news:

I am excited to have artwork in the 46th Annual Paper in Particular exhibition in the Sydney Larson Gallery at Columbia College, Columbia Missouri.  Also, in August I return to Otis, Oregon to teach two workshops (August 8 – 12 photopolymer gravure and cyanotype & lumens) at Sitka Center for Art and Ecology. Registration opens today.



February News…


After a sleepy January, Light Art Space is gearing up for a busy spring.
We are pleased to present On The Road, photographic work by Grant County photographers. Work by twenty-three artists is on display.  Join us this Friday from 5-7 for the opening reception.

We have wonderful gift options for your sweetie for Valentine’s Day. Here are a few ideas: exquisite scarves, shawls, and table runners hand-designed, dyed, and woven by Susan H. Porter; bracelets, earrings, and necklaces of unique design featuring rubies, pearls, and other gems by Rhonda Munzinger; Stephan Höglund’s stunning bolo ties, brooches, and rings make a creative statement when worn or displayed on the wall; new colorful clay vases by Zoe Wolfe; plus wall art, wood tables, and sculptures…We are happy to assist with selection and shipping.

Call For Clay!

Deadline February 15th


Register at







Nigel and I wish you a joyful and safe new year!

Light Art Space will have reduced hours in January. We will be open on Fridays and Saturdays 11 – 5 pm.

Join us this Friday as we celebrate the First Friday Gallery Walk from 5 – 7 pm. At 5:30 I will demonstrate printing a photogravure plate. Prints will be offered at a discounted price. Plus, the gallery features Local Light, an exhibition of the 12 artists represented by LAS. Local Light will be on view through February 1st.

Current Exhibition:

Local Light: Art by the Twelve Light Art Space Artists.

December 5th, 2024 – February 1st, 2025

Upcoming Exhibitions:

Online Phishing: Staying Safe in the Digital Age

A mixed media installation in the Flash Gallery
February 6 – March 1st.

Opening reception on Friday, February 7th, 5 – 7 pm during the First Friday Gallery walk

Call For Photographs!

Grant County, NM photographers are encouraged to submit to On the Road.

Exhibition dates: February 6 – March 1.

Reception Friday, February 7, 5-7 pm.
Each Grant County artist is invited to display one or two works 16” x 20” or smaller OR one larger piece.

The Deadline to commit is January 27th.

Email to reserve your spot.


Regarding the Abstract: Drawing from Within

Three evenings devoted to the better understanding and execution of abstract art.

Wed. Jan. 29th, Feb. 5th and Feb. 12th, 6 – 8 pm

$20 per session or $50 when paid in advance.
Register at the gallery. Hosted by Joe Huebner

Figure Drawing

Starting up again on February 13th.

Thursdays, 6 – 8 pm. Pay as you go, $20 a session.
Hosted by Joel Armstrong.

Trading Card Exchange

Trading Card sessions have openings; trades are on January 18th and February 15th. Contact Joel Armstrong for more information.





December news! First Friday Reception, workshops and more…

The low light of winter is upon us. The leaves have fallen, and the morning frost on the wild grasses glisten brilliantly. For our final exhibition of 2024, we are pleased to present Local Light, which features the twelve wonderful artists Light Art Space represents.

Join us this First Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. for the opening reception. On display is a variety of new works including drawing, painting, woodwork, jewelry, fiber arts, photography, assemblage, and ceramic sculpture.

Art Peterson, Rhonda Munzinger, Joe Huebner, Kathleen Koopman, Nancy Spencer, Karen Hymer, Stephan Hoglund, Zoe Wolfe, Joel Armstrong, Susan H. Porter, Juan Velasco and Eric Renner.

December 5th, 2024 – February 1st, 2025.  Opening reception Friday, December 6th, 5 – 7 pm.



Holiday Flower Arrangement and Basket Weaving

There is still space in the Holiday Flower Arrangement and Basket Weaving with Alice Fujita.

Ages 10 and over welcome!

Alice Fujita is a basketmaker and a Sangetsu Ikebana Instructor. She started learning Ikebana in Japan just for fun but fell in love with the philosophy and the therapeutic effects. She started learning Ikebana in Japan and has been teaching Ikebana (Japanese Art of flower arranging) in the US since 2018.

December 21st from 1 to 4 PM. $120 plus tax. All supplies included

Please sign up by Dec. 8th

Register at or stop in the gallery

Gallery hours: Thursday 11 – 4, Friday and Saturday 11- 5, Sunday 10- 2, First Fridays 11 – 7 pm and by appointment.

Create your own holiday Star!

In this free public interactive event, you can create a 3-D holiday star window decoration with upcycled paper bags with artist Kathleen Koopman.

Make and take this beautiful paper star decoration for your holiday decorating. All ages and families are welcome!!

Saturday, December 14, at Light Art Space Gallery 

Ongoing from 12 noon to 3. The finished project takes about 30-45 minutes. All materials provided.


Late Fall News

As fall advances and the light lessens, it is a time to remember those who have left us and to celebrate our love for them. In the Ofrenda at Light Art Space we honor Juan Velasco, Ken Slade, Tim Aldrich, and Gene Lefebvre. In downtown Silver City we celebrate Dia de los Muertos with a procession and a blessing of the Ofrendas on November 1st from 5 – 7pm. On November 2nd there will be a parade starting at 3:30 and the Silver City Museum will hold a celebration in the courtyard from 11 – 4 pm. We hope you will take time to visit our Ofrenda and to celebrate with gratitude those you love.


First Friday Art Walk

Friday, November 1st, 5 pm – 7 pm

We are pleased to present Enchanted Flowers, a showing of the Japanese art of Ikebana and baskets. Work by Alice Fujita, Bill Nolde, Naomi Laffinghans, and David Schwarz are featured. Work on display through November 3rd.

You can learn this art and create your own thanksgiving center piece in a workshop November 24th.

Ikebana and Basket making with Alice Fujita. register at the gallery or at



The Mindful Landscape

I am a pleased to be a juror for an on-line exhibition through LA Photo Curator which is run by Laurie Freitag. Laurie is a respected photographer and facilitator of magical things including this series of juried shows. My partner for this is Donna Cosentino, director of The Photographer’s Eye in Escondido, California.

Deadline is Nov 30th

I know it is easy to put off entering juried shows but then it becomes too late, so please consider entering now!

We have designated the Mono Lake Committee to receive 5% of the fees collected.

I’m sharing the link here:


Two printmaking exhibitions continue through November 9th.

Uncertain Boundaries features the work of 32 printmakers from across the country.

Carbon / Element by Tyler Green. This exhibition aims to build connections between human-caused global warming and increased wildfire intensity. Photographs of the New Mexico landscape impacted by wildfire are presented as intaglio prints made from carbon-based ink.


Printmaking weekend!

This is Weekend At The Galleries and Print Fiesta weekend!

Join us this Friday from 5 – 7 pm for the opening reception of two printmaking exhibitions.

Uncertain Boundaries, a juried exhibition of handmade prints, features the work of thirty-two artists from around the country. Juror Juana Estrada Hernández will give a gallery talk at 5:30.  Also opening Friday is Carbon / Element, photopolymer gravures by Tyler Green.

***PLUS – as a bonus event, Axle Contemporary’s mobile photo studio is traveling to Silver City and will be in the Light Art Space sculpture garden Friday from 5 – 7.  Stop by for your free portrait. Bring a small object of personal significance to hold for the photo. Be a part of our project and evolving group portrait.

 Dates for both exhibitions:  October 10 – November 9th, 2024. 

Images by Tyler Green

As part of the gallery walk, we will be open Saturday until 7 pm

 Gallery hours: Thursday 11 – 4, Friday and Saturday 11 – 5, Sundays 10 – 2, and by appointment. 


There are still a few spots available in these upcoming workshops,
Register at or stop by the gallery.

Final weekend of two exhibitions

This is the final weekend to view two wonderful exhibitions (through Saturday).Don’t miss Chiricahua Apache Sacred Origins and Lifeways, which includes the Women Weave the World campaign.

Solace in Nature is an exhibition of photography using alternative processes. There are so many stunning images from across the United States and other countries. – stop by! This Friday is First Friday so we will be open until 7 pm. Gallery Hours: Thursday 11 – 4, Friday and Saturday 11- 5, Sunday 10 – 2, and by appointment.


There are still a few spots available in these upcoming workshops:

Register at

Dragonfly trail and Nigel assists in a cyanotype workshop/presentation.


Fall has arrived in southern New Mexico – the mornings are crisp, the rains continue and the smell of roasting chile is in the air. It will be a busy fall at Light Art Space.  This Friday is the First Friday at the Galleries. We are pleased and honored to present Chiricahua Apache Sacred Origins and Lifeways, an exhibition of Apache art.

Exhibition Dates: September 5th – October 5th
Reception This Friday, September 6th, 5 – 7 pm

The Chiricahua Apache Nation, a sovereign nation recognized by the United States in the Treaty of Santa Fe (1852), and the Chiricahua Apache People (Nde), in concert with the Light Art Space gallery, is excited to showcase the work of Chiricahua artists. Our culture is an expression of our history and lifeways and is centered upon our ethic of peace and harmony (Gozhoo/güjü). As our ancestors did before us, fiercely stewarded and safeguarded our traditional land, Nde benah, the epicenter of our creation at the Hoołi (Gila River), since time immemorial, for the benefit of all creatures on Nigodzani (Earth), as part of our responsibility to Yusen, the Creator. Our art realized through painting, sculpture, photography, text, weaving, and other forms, distills the essence of our identity and our commitment to our obligations as a people and as a nation. The exhibition will include contemporary paintings, sculptures, dolls, and baskets of the Women Weave the World campaign. At the exhibition the public is invited to be part of this ageless tradition and by helping create a Blessing Basket. A short documentary describing the baskets and the makers will accompany the exhibit.  We are proud to share it with you.



Call for handmade printmaking work!  The deadline to submit to Uncertain Boundaries is September 11th.  All entries must be handmade prints printed by the artist using traditional printmaking and/or photographic processes and created in the last 5 years.  Submit at:


Upcoming workshops include Bookbinding for Artists: Non-Adhesive Watercolor Sketchbook with Linda Anderson. September 14th and 21st; Photopolymer Gravure Workshop with Karen Hymer, October 13th and 14th; Sail Away:  Build Your Own Dream Boat using found assemblage materials with Kathleen Koopman, October 18 and 19th; Tri-color Gum Printing with Diana Bloomfield, October 26, 27, 28; and Ikebana and Basket Making with Alice Fujita, November 24th.  Register for all the above at: or stop in the gallery.

Artist Trading Cards Workshop with Joel Armstrong – ongoing. The next trade is September 28th. Contact Joel for more information (

Figure Drawing continues on Thursday evenings from 6 pm – 8 pm. Contact Joel at

Gallery hours: Thursday 11 am – 4 pm, Friday and Saturday 11 am – 5 pm, Sunday 10 am – 2 pm, First Fridays 11 am – 7 pm, and by appointment.

Reception this Friday

Opening Reception this Friday!

August 2nd, 5 – 7 pm, Opening reception for two new photographic exhibitions.

Solace in Nature Photography Using Alternative Processes
Juried by Christina Anderson

Wild Detritus: Touched by the Sun, Aged by the Earth
Work by Kathleen Koopman

Upcoming Workshops

Bookbinding for Artists: Non-Adhesive Watercolor Sketchbook with Linda Anderson. September 14th and 21st

Photopolymer Gravure Workshop with Karen Hymer, October 13th and 14th

Sail Away:  Build Your Own Dream Boat
using found assemblage materials with Kathleen Koopman, October 18 and 19th

Tri-color gum printing with Diana Bloomfield, October 26, 27, 28

 Ikebana and Basket Making with Alice Fujita, November 24th

Register at
or stop in the gallery to register

Summer news

Where did June go?  The summer solstice has past, the moon is full, and we are praying for rain and looking forward to a wetter July and August.  The tragic fires in Ruidoso remind us here in Silver City how vulnerable we are living in the dry forest. Our hearts go out to all affected by the fires and we send gratitude to the amazing firefighters who are hard at work.

At Light Art Space we invite you to the final week of our two nature exhibitions: Four Artists Celebrating Wilderness, an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Jane Seavers, Fred Barraza, Gay Scheibl, and Paul Hotvedt, and Inspirations From the Wild, an exhibition of Photography and Clay works by Karen Hymer and Zoe Wolfe.

The final day to view thees exhibitions in next Saturday, June 29th.



It is always sad to see the final day our of exhibitions, but we are excited to present two clay exhibitions opening on July 4th.  From the Earth, the CLAY Festival 2024 international Juried Clay Exhibition, features the work of over 30 artists from across the United States. The juror, Jared Tso, will exhibit his work in the Flash Gallery. The opening reception will be on Friday, July 5th, from 5 – 7 pm.  A closing reception will be held on Saturday, July 27th during the festival week. Visit  www. for the schedule of events.

William Wright

 Kate Brown

 Asia Mathis

Jared Tso



We have three workshops coming up this fall.
October 13th and 14th I will be teaching a two day Photopolymer gravure workshop. We will turn your photographs into beautiful, unique etchings.  No printmaking experience is needed.

October 18th and October 19th Kathleen Koopman will be teaching a boat making workshop. No experience needed, just a willingness to play with material and your imagination. Each participant will construct a little sailboat, using recycled materials: cardboard, papers (music and maps), fibers, twigs, twine and personal found objects.

October 26th, 27th and 28th we welcome back North Carolina master gum printer, Diana Bloomfield. This three day Tri-color gum dichromate workshop is not to be missed.

Register for these workshops at or stop in the gallery.

Thursday evening life drawing sessions continue. 6 pm – 8 pm, $20 per session. Bring your own materials. 

Nigel’s first time kayaking.