Exhibitions, Classes and Workshops…

As my opening exhibition in 2020 I am pleased to be displaying the work of Silver City and WNMU Artist in Residence, João Galera. The reception is Saturday, February 8th from 5 – 7 pm.  Also featured will be work by gallery artists Joel Armstrong, Valerie Galloway, Art Peterson, Mimi Calise Peterson, Carmen Ruiz, Eric Renner, Nancy Spencer and Eugene Starobinskiy.  Earlier that day, from 11am – 4pm, we are participating in the downtown Chocolate Fantasia. We will feature amazing chocolates by Howard of the Corner Kitchen.  Stop in for your chocolate fix! And, I am excited to welcome  the Gila Highlanders who will play live music from 1 – 2 pm.  Many workshops are coming up…



Memory and Desire
João Galera
Silver City Artist in Residence
February 7th – March 8th

Reception Saturday, February 8th, 5 – 7 pm
Artist Talk, February 20th, 5:30 – 7 pm


Works by Gallery Artists
Joel Armstrong, Valerie Galloway, Art Peterson, Mimi Calise Peterson, Carmen Ruiz, Eric Renner, Nancy Spencer and Eugene Starobinskiy

February 7th – March 8th


Chocolate Fantasia – Cupid Carnaval
Saturday February 8th
11am – 4pm

Chocolates by Howard from the Corner Kitchen



Life Drawing Classes with Joel Armstrong
Wednesday evenings  6 – 8 pm
February 12th –  March 18th

Stop in the gallery to register.


Photopolymer Gravure with Karen Hymer
February 15th and 16th
in Gilbert, Arizona

Watercolor with João Galera
March 7th and 8th
$150, most supplies included

Book Making Fun!
Bobbie Wilson
March 14th, 9am – noon
$50 supplies included

Creating Your Own Prints Without a Press
Linda Penny
March 14th, 1-4:30pm
$60 supplies included

Build Your Own Dream Boat
Kathleen Koopman
March 15th, 10am – 2pm
$60 supplies included

Photo Encaustic
Amanda Smith and Kevin Tully
April 4th and 5th, 9am – 5pm
$400 supplies included

Pinhole and Zone plate Photography
Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner
April 18th and 19th, 9am – 5pm
$375 supplies included

Tri-Color Gum Printing
Diana Bloomfield
August 8th and 9th, 9am – 5pm
$400 supplies included

Register at:

January and February Happenings

Wow!  2020!
Here is what is happening at
Light Art Space…

Workshops and Classes

Photopolymer Gravure with Karen Hymer
January 25th, 9 am – 5 pm
(There are a few spots lefts)


Life Drawing Classes with Joel Armstrong
Wednesday evenings  6 – 8 pm
February 12th –  March 18th



Joao Galera
Silver City Artist in Residence
February 7th – March 8th

Reception Saturday, February 8th, 5 – 7 pm
Artist Talk, February 20th, 5:30 – 7 pm


Works by Gallery Artists
Joel Armstrong, Valerie Galloway, Art Peterson, Mimi Calise Peterson, Carmen Ruiz, Eric Renner, Nancy Spencer and Eugene Starobinskiy


Chocolate Fantasia – Cupid Carnaval
11am – 4pm

Chocolates by Howard from the Corner Kitchen


In January Light Art Space will be open only by appointment. karen@lightartspace.com or 520-240-7075

Saturday Artist Talk

Please join us for an artist talk by Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner on January 4th, 5pm.  This event marks the closing of Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography.  The first workshop of the new year will be introduction to Photopolymer Gravure with Karen Hymer on January 25th.


Artist talk this Saturday

Please join us for an artist talk by Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner on January 4th, 5 to 7pm.  This event marks the closing of Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography.  The first workshop of the new year will be introduction to Photopolymer Gravure with Karen Hymer on January 25th.


December Greetings!

Light Art Space is full of great art by gallery artists and Pinhole Photography experts Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner.
If you missed the reception for Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography there is still time to experience this unique exhibition.
Through January 5th.

Here is what is coming up this month and into the new year:

Saturday, December 14th, 5 to 8 pm
Luminario Walk and Second Saturday Art Walk
Canned Food donations accepted for Grant County Food Pantry
Join Light Art Space Gallery Artists and experience new work and Holiday Cheer

Saturday, January 4th, 5 to 7 pm  
Exhibition closing event, Gallery Talk by Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner

January 6 thru February 6th
Light Art Space will be Closed

February 7th thru March 8th
Joao Galera
Silver City Artist in Residence
Reception Saturday, February 8th, 5 to 7 pm

March 13th thru April 19th
Provocation of Place
Juried exhibition for Paperworks Members
Reception Saturday, March 14th, 5 to 7 pm

Workshops and Classes:

January 25th, 2020 
Photopolymer Gravure with Karen Hymer

February 15th and 16th
Photopolymer Gravure with Karen Hymer
At Art Intersection in Gilbert, Arizona

Tuesday evenings February and March
Life Drawing Classes with Joel Armstrong
Details to come!

Joel Armstrong with his drawings and painting

Carmen Ruiz with her prints and sculptures

Work by Gallery Artists

Eric Renner and Nancy Spencer

Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography exhibition
Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner

Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography

Opening reception this Friday, November 15th, 5 to 7 pm

Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography is an exhibition of the pinhole photography and assemblages of Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner who have worked individually and collaboratively for decades.
Images from many bodies of work will be exhibited, both black and white and color.
Spencer and Renner are known internationally for their pinhole artwork and as the co-directors of Pinhole Resource, a non-profit dedicated to furthering information about pinhole and zone plate photography. Renner is the author of “Pinhole Photography: From Historic Technique to Digital Application”,
now in it’s fourth edition. They founded and co-edited “Pinhole Journal” for 22 years.
Spencer and Renner have exhibited their work internationally and have taught pinhole and zone plate workshops throughout the world.  They live in Mimbres, NM.

Exhibition dates:  November 15 – January 5th

Light Art Space Hours:
Thursday – Sat. 10am – 5pm, Sunday 10am – 3pm, 2nd Saturdays open until 8pm, some Mondays 10- 5
Also by appointment

Heart Pinhole Camera


Have your Portrait made 19th Century Style!

Visit Light Art Space this Saturday between 1 pm and 6pm to experience the magic of Wet Plate Photography

Kevin Black from Santa Fe Wet Plate will be making wet plate portraits to order.
Each portrait is unique and one of a kind!
Watch Kevin in action with his large format camera (think Ansel Adams) and his portable mobile darkroom.

Kevin was recently highlighted in Shadow and Light magazine as the featured portrait artist in the September/October issue.

You can make an appointment (karen@lightartspace.com) or just stop in!

Portraits make great gifts…

Reception This Saturday

Please join us for a reception this Saturday 4 to 7pm, November 2nd, celebrating art work by students of Kaleidoscope, the Western New Mexico University Art Club.

Robert Arias, Jodi Bevill, Jon Bjornstad, Martha Blacklock, Doreen Buchan, Henry Chavez, Abby Egge-Ogas, Izzy Garza, Annabella Gomez, Elijah Goodall, Ned Haw, Wyatt Hawkins, Tasha Marshe, A.S. McBroom, Raven Myers, Drew Ohlrich, Beryl Raven, Magnus Amelia Waters, J. Waters, Blythe Whiteley.

sneak preview>>>>

Thank you to our Sponsors…and correction

A big Thank You to
Freestyle Photographics and Sprint Systems of Photography
who have sponsored the upcoming Pinhole and Zoneplate Workshop with
Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner.

Pinhole and Zone Plate Photography Workshop
Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner

November 16th and 17th

sponsored by
Freestyle Photographics and
Sprint Systems of Photography

Correction:  Reception for the WNMU Student Art Exhibition will be Saturday, November 2nd (not the 1st)


November Exhibitions, Workshops and Events

Two new exhibitions will open at Light Art Space in November. On Saturday the 2nd, work by the Western New Mexico University Art Club will open with a reception 4pm to 7pm in the West Gallery. Sex, Lies and Pinhole Photography, work by Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner, will fill the North and Flash galleries November 15th – January 5th, with a reception on Friday the 15th, 5pm – 7pm.   Stop in on Saturday November 9th and have your Wet Plate photographic portrait made by Kevin Black from Corrales, NM. Register now for the following event and workshops…

Wet Plate Portraits
by Kevin Black

Saturday, November 9th, 1 to 6pm

Have your portrait made in this one of a kind silver and light experience!
Portraits make great gifts…  Reserve a time or just show up.

Wet Plate Photography Workshop
with Kevin Black

Sunday, November 10th

Pinhole and Zone Plate Photography Workshop
Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner

November 16th and 17th

sponsored by
Freestyle Photographics and
Sprint Systems of Photography


Western New Mexico University Student Art Club

Light Art Space is please to exhibit visual art by the
Art Club at WNMU
A variety of media will be shown including
ceramics, photography, drawing, painting and sculpture

November 1st thru 10th
Reception Saturday November 2nd, 4 to 7pm

Sex, Lies, and Pinhole Photography

This exciting exhibition of the pinhole photography and assemblages features the work of Nancy Spencer and Eric Renner two artists who have worked individually and collaboratively for decades. Images from many bodies of work will be exhibited, both black and white and color.

Spencer and Renner are known internationally for their pinhole art work and as the co-directors of Pinhole Resource, a non-profit dedicated to furthering information about pinhole and zone plate photography. Renner is the author of “Pinhole Photography: From Historic Technique to Digital Application”, now in it’s fourth edition. They founded and co-edited “Pinhole Journal” for 22 years. Spencer and Renner have exhibited their work internationally and have taught pinhole and zone plate workshops throughout the world.  Spencer and Renner live in the Mimbres Valley, 45 minutes from Silver City, NM.

November 15th thru January 5th
Reception Friday, November 15th, 5 to 7pm