It saddens me to report that beloved
Eric Renner died in Las Cruces, NM on April 9th after a short illness
A tribute to Eric will be forthcoming

Light Art Space is giving thanks for your friendship, love, support, and community
Here are some new happenings at Light Art Space…
During our almost 4 weeks of closure,
I have been working on ways to keep the gallery art active and available to you, our community.
Here are links to new videos of the gallery and some of LAS artists:
Provocation of Place exhibition:
Carmen Ruiz and her work:
Joel Armstrong installation:
Mimi Calise Peterson in her studio:
Art Peterson in his studio:
More videos to come! You can visit Karen Hymer on Utube to find future videos
Many of you have asked how you can support me and Light Art Space during this difficult time. Here are a few ways:
- If you have extra time on your hand, google and add a review of the gallery to the google business page.
- Purchase a LAS egift card to use in the future or give as a gift:
- Donate to the Gofundme campaign:
- Visit and check out the new Artist tab where work by each of the LAS artists is featured. It is still a work in progress but please take a look: Enjoy the art and if something strikes your fancy contact me and we can make safe arrangements to deliver the piece to you.
I do plan to reopen as soon as the State of New Mexico determines it is safe.
I am dreaming of and scheming for upcoming exhibitions and workshops.
I also have been making some new images – see the end of this post for a few examples.
To those who left of us this week I say:
Thank you, Helen (Nana), for loving my son
Thank you, Eric for a lifetime devoted to Pinhole Photography
Thank you, John Prine for the stories. I hope you are kissing that girl on the tilt – a whirl…
Please stay safe and keep in touch.
Karen and Flash
All images are unique photopolymer gravure etchings, 4″ x 4″ (square black and white images) or 7″ x 8″.
New series about finding beauty in the land by looking closely. $70 per image.