New Exhibitions

Light Art space is pleased to announce two upcoming exhibitions. The North Gallery features Dead Art, the work of four young photographic artists from Tucson, Arizona.  These artists grapple with identity by picturing bold body-scapes using analog photographic techniques. This not to miss exhibit will confront and engage the viewer in surprising ways. Flash Gallery presents the wire installation work of Joel Armstrong.  Clotheslines is an experience, not just a piece to be viewed, and the entire gallery becomes a canvas. The work references memories, feelings and expressions surrounding ideas of home and family. Time and space are integral to the work with lighting and sound also playing a part.

Dead Art: An Analog Approach to a Digital World

Photographic images by

Jessica Knight, Davey Miller, Maegan McCarthy & Steve Hajdu

CLOTHESlines:  a wire based installation by Joel Armstrong

March 23 though April 28

 Reception Saturday March 23, 5 to 8pm  

Walk and Talk with the artists at 6pm