Correction of deadline!

CORRECTION!  the deadline to submit to Though the Body is July 4th at midnight mountain time – not today! So you have one more day to submit. Also – works created in the last 4 years are eligible.  I apologize for the confusion.

submit here:

Images by Juror, Michael Puff

Through The Body:

Images Of The Human Body Using Alternative Photographic Techniques

This is a call for photographic imagery that focuses on the human body as depicted in hand-made prints using alternative photographic processes. Public or private spaces, full-body or partial bodies, nude or clothed, self-images or of others… male, female, non-binary, emotional, intellectual, confrontational, questioning, spiritual, sexual, sensual… All forms of exploration are welcome including images that examine subjects such as identity, intimacy, love, sexuality, gaze, social and cultural structure, beauty, ritual, and voyeurism.

Works created in the last four years are eligible.  Acceptable processes include, but are not limited to, Cyanotype, Gum Bichromate, Van Dyke, Palladium/Platinum, Photopolymer Gravure, Copper Plate Gravure, Salt, Tintype, Silver Gelatin, Chemigrams, Phytograms, Lumens, Chromogenic prints, Hand-applied emulsions, Photo-encaustic, Carbon, Gumoil, Instant transfers and lifts, and Hand-manipulated (altered surface) digital prints. Combinations of these processes are welcome.  Digital photographic images can be used in combination with other processes, but straight digital prints will not be accepted.  3D and experimental work is encouraged.

August 5th – October 1st, 2022

Reception Friday, August 5th, 5- 7 pm.