Call for Work deadline…

The deadline to submit work to Through the Body is this Sunday, July 3rd at midnight mountain time… Submit NOW!
Submit at:

This exhibition is a call for photographic imagery that focuses on the human body as depicted in hand-made prints using alternative photographic processes. Public or private spaces, full body or partial bodies, nude or clothed, self images or of others… male, female, non-binary, emotional, intellectual, confrontational, questioning, spiritual, sexual, sensual…

Michael Puff, master Platinum/Palladium printer and fine art photographer, is the juror.


There is still space in the following workshops:

July 23rd – Build Your Own Dream Boat with Kathleen Koopman
August 6th and 7th – Platinum/Palladium Printing with Michael Puff. Sponsored by Hahnemühle.
August 22nd – Experimental Printmaking without a Press with Carmen Ruiz

Register at:

Join us tonight, 5 pm – 7pm, for the opening reception of Reflections in CLAY and  House of Judgment