Found: The Art of Assemblage
Exploring dreams, memories, and stories through our collected artifacts
Friday, October 13 from 5-7, and Saturday, October 14, 9:30 to 4:30.
$235 includes basic materials and lunch
Cancellation Policy:
30 days or more: Full refund, minus $25 service fee
29 days – 21 days: 75% minus $25 service fee
20 days – 14 days: 50% minus $25 service fee
13 day or less: nonrefundable
If you are unable to register, the workshop may be full. Please email Karen to be placed on a waiting list. Karen@lightartspace.com
Instructor: Kathleen Kooman
Location: Light Art Space
Phone: 520-240-7075
Address: 209 West Broadway, Silver City, NM 88061
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Found: The Art of Assemblage
Exploring dreams, memories, and stories through our collected artifacts
An intensive assemblage workshop with artist Kathleen Koopman.
Friday, October 13 from 5-7, and Saturday, October 14, 9:30 to 4:30.
$235 includes basic materials and lunch
In this workshop will explore our intentions, sources of inspiration, and channel our artistic vision, as we learn a variety of techniques to create a personal assemblage.
Assemblage is a personal and experiential process, so start now by looking at your collections, gathering artifacts; notice trends, themes, patterns, and repetitions; gather and sort, archive and prioritize. Write down ideas and thoughts. A successful assemblage starts with a main idea, often represented by the first object you choose. If you can develop this main theme early it will help move along the process and achieve success. Gather more objects that may follow your theme; allow it to change if need be. Developing this main theme before the workshop will help move along the process and achieve success.
In preparation for the class, you will have access to our Facebook page to provide information, ask questions and share stories. We will introduce ourselves, talk about what drew you to assemblage, and your goals for the workshop. I will post questions, referrals to artists who have done assemblage, and links to helpful sites. My goal is to create a conversation that starts before the class and prepares us all for a better workshop experience.
We will supply basic materials: the adhesive I use and recommend, small hand tools, cutting mat, scissors, brushes, ruler, nails, pencils, glue gun, gel medium, shellac. And a variety of things from my vast collections of ephemera, fibers, rusty junk.
Participants will provide: a frame or box to contain their work (more on this later) and objects to get your assemblage started. Buttons, machine parts, wire, toys, game pieces, plastic objects, jewelry, foam board, small boxes, lids, bottle caps, shells and natural items, beads, fabric, patterned paper, photos, the possibilities are endless!
The Friday night gathering will be a time to meet and watch a slideshow of my assemblage art pieces. If you choose, BYO beer or wine, with snacks provided.
About Kathleen Koopman
Kathleen is a life-long artist whose extensive collection of found objects provides unlimited inspiration for creating contained, framed and mounted assemblages. Each one starts with a germ of an idea, a story, an experience, a memory and builds organically from there. She is inspired by physical, spiritual, and emotional memories that create the visual depth and density of her work.